Mukul Gupta



SHare insights like a super hero

Welcome, to the Assessment for the Superheroes!


This is your chance to show your heroic skills and prove that you have what it takes to share insights like the Avengers.


We will put you through your paces and test your abilities in a variety of areas so we can help you analyse and determine your strengths, weakness and also share some suggestions for improvement based on the outcome of your assessment.


Just like the Avengers assemble to face any challenge, you will need to assemble your knowledge and experience to take on any question that comes your way.


So put on your superhero suit, grab your shield, and get ready to save the day!

Share Insights like a Super Hero - Self -Assessment Quiz

Question 1 of 10.

How do you feel about soaring through the skies of public speaking?

Choose one answer only

1. I'm a rockstar! I bring down the house and leave the audience begging for an encore.
2. It's like riding a unicycle on a tightrope while juggling chainsaws - a little nerve-wracking, but I can handle it.
3. It's like taking medicine - I don't enjoy it, but I know it's good for me.
4. It's like being chased by a swarm of angry bees - I'll do anything to avoid it.
Question 2 of 10.

How often do you sprinkle fairy dust of storytelling in your presentation potion?

Choose one answer only

1. I'm a master storyteller! I can spin a yarn like a spider spins a web.
2. I sprinkle in a story here and there like salt on a French fry.
3. I'm like a fish out of water when it comes to storytelling - I flounder and flop around.
4. Storytelling? What's that? I'm more of a straight-shooter.
Question 3 of 10.

How would you describe your presentation style? Are you a stunning ninja or a snoring snail?

Choose one answer only

1. I'm a ninja! I strike with precision and clarity, leaving my audience stunned.
2. I'm a caterpillar turning into a butterfly - still a bit rough around the edges, but with potential.
3. I'm a sloth - slow-moving and not very engaging, but still informative.
4. I'm a snail - slow, boring, and leaving a slimy trail behind me.
Question 4 of 10.

How do you prepare for battle... I mean, for a presentation?

Choose one answer only

1. I'm like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter - I gather all the information I can and organize it meticulously.
2. I'm like a bird flying by the seat of its pants - I have a general plan, but I'm flexible and can adapt on the fly.
3. I'm like a dog chasing its tail - I spin in circles and hope for the best.
4. I'm like a fish caught in a net - I panic and flail around until someone rescues me.
Question 5 of 10.

How often do you summon the power of the visual gods in your presentation spells?

Choose one answer only

1. I'm a Picasso! I use visuals to create a masterpiece of information.
2. I'm a photographer - I snap a few shots here and there to capture the essence of my message.
3. I'm a stick-figure artist - my visuals are rudimentary, but they get the job done.
4. I'm a blind man - I don't see the point in using visuals.
Question 6 of 10.

How do you juggle fiery tomatoes of questions and objections from your audience without getting burned?

Choose one answer only

1. I'm a ninja warrior! I use objections as a weapon to deepen the conversation and engage my audience.
2. I'm a tightrope walker - I try to keep my balance and address objections, but sometimes I stumble.
3. I'm a porcupine - I bristle and get defensive when faced with objections, making the situation worse.
4. I'm an ostrich - I bury my head in the sand and hope the objections go away.
Question 7 of 10.

How do you know if your presentation hit the bullseye?

Choose one answer only

1. By the thunderous applause and overflowing enthusiasm of my audience.
2. By whether I nailed my goals for the presentation.
3. By how much technical jargon I managed to cram into it.
4. By whether I made it through the presentation without any epic fails or embarrassing slips.
Question 8 of 10.

How would you rate your level of geekdom in your domain?

Choose one answer only

1. Through the roof, I'm like a wizard in my field.
2. Above average, but I always thirst for more knowledge.
3. Average, I have a decent understanding of the basics, but I may struggle with the tough stuff.
4. Low, I'm a mere padawan trying to make sense of it all.
Question 9 of 10.

How would you rate your ability to dumb down brain-busting concepts for the layfolk?

Choose one answer only

1. Excellent, I'm like a wordsmith that can break down even the most complex ideas into bite-sized nuggets.
2. Good, but I sometimes struggle to find the right pop-culture references or hilarious analogies to make the concepts stick.
3. Fair, I can simplify basic ideas but get a bit lost in the sauce with the tough topics.
4. Poor, I have a better chance of winning the lottery than explaining complex concepts in a way that doesn't make people's heads spin.
Question 10 of 10.

How do you keep your finger on the pulse of your industry's happenings and awesomesauce?

Choose one answer only

1. I'm always on the prowl for fresh info, scouting out conferences and gorging on industry blogs like they're candy.
2. I make an effort to stay in the loop, but life happens and I may not always be in the know.
3. I rely on what I already know, and don't really bother with newfangled trends or practices.
4. I'm living under a rock, blissfully unaware of anything new or exciting in my industry.

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Share Insights like a Super Hero - Self -Assessment Quiz

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