Mukul Gupta


You share insights like An academic professor!

Your ideas are crystal clear, but your presentation is dry and unengaging. You're like an Academic Professor, knowledgeable but boring..

Your Strengths

You're like Marvel character Mr. Fantastic or famous personality Seth Godin. You have a deep understanding of your subject matter, and your ideas are well-organized and clearly presented. You have a strong command of the facts and can provide evidence to support your arguments.


Your Weakness

You may sometimes come off as too academic or dry, and your audience may struggle to stay engaged. You may find it difficult to connect with your audience on an emotional level, and you may struggle with storytelling or using metaphors.


Opportunities to Improve

Add some personality and emotion to your presentation. Use stories, metaphors, and examples to illustrate your points, and inject some humor or personal anecdotes to keep your audience engaged. Practice active listening to understand your audience's needs and concerns, and tailor your message accordingly.

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